Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Blizzard - at work!

No winter for ever so long and last night suddenly snow and strong winds.... Silly I must say! I had made plans to bike to the train this morning but had to cancel. So here I am at work with the snow whirling furious outside my window, since I'm going to start an experiment soon (like when I finished this post) I think I will stay here tonight and get things done. I can sleep on the train home tomorrow, if they work then.
Well, except for the snow, life is as ususal I guess. Lot of things to do, more ambitions than can be fullfilled and a lot of sport activities going on. But I really enjoy having teenage kids ( this far) and being able to discuss things with them. Our bonus son is really good at discussing things and that keeps us up late sometimes. The major worry now is for me to find a permanent job (or income) and I feel quite desillusioned about it right now. But it will most likely work out.
If not I guess I have to start industrialized hand knitted crafts - felted computer cases and knitted friut bowls in steel wire, well I still have crazy ideas, so I will survive.
Now I can here the lab calling - Kaaaisa, so it's time to go.

See ya'


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